Senin, 18 Juni 2012


        February 26, 2012, Afghanistan’s people were bothered their daily life. This was because of NATO’s soldier (US army) got burn the Holly Quran at that time. Naudzubillaahi min dzaalik...!! Every body knows that the Holly Quran is firman or saying from Allah the Only One God which given to the prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him through Angel Jibril as the rule in the world to make peace one each other.
            I do myself always reading and reciting the Holly Qur’an after Maghrib prayer. After I read the news from Afghanistan—from magazine – I was very shock to read that news. So, what was the NATO’s really duty in Afghanistan?? They have injured Moslems and Moslemah’s heart in Afghanistan, the World and me...!! the NATO’s soldier do not keeping the peace in Afghanistan, but beginning the chaos in that place. They have burned al-Qur’an same with burned Allah’s order. They must be concious that Allah (the One and only God) is the creator of their body and soul. So, if the NATO/US soldiers did the stupid things, they must be punished by Moslem/Moslemah and Allah too.

Asking forgiven from Barrack Husein Obama to the moslem and moslemah in Afghansitan was NOT ENOUGH. Because it didn’t solve the real problem. Did you know that US army / NATO soldiers are THE REAL TERRORISTS in the world, Mr Obama?? Claim that as the sins of your soldier. And you are as the Evil of the war!! To Mr Hamid Karzai, please help your people and order Obama to get responsibility to that event. Don’t be silent! It is a real war in the world.
Mr Barrack Obama, who is the real terrorist then?? Do you still hearing to the screaming of Moslem/Moslemah because of your soldier’s bad action? You may be calling the Moslem/Moslemah in the World as the terrorist, but as the FACT that your soldiers are being a REAL TERRORIST in the world! You know that Islamic people never attack to the minority of religion in their place. Even they protect the other religion’s people except Islam and always making peace one each other. Because our religion always bring the good thing to make peace in human, animals, and environment. It is called hablun minannaas. But, if I and other Islamic people are being provoke by the stupid things, so I and they will be angry and make protest to the world either by the statement, literature, news or demonstrate looking for justice.

To the NATO/US army soldiers, don’t be Arrogant taking your STUPID action anymore. Did you ever hear Islamic people in the world burn the Holly Injil?? No, they never did it! How if you are all burning at the hell then? You know that your body and soul are being hold by Allah, your real God in the universe that has created the Holly Qur’an. May Allah, the One supreme god, punish your action then, Aaaamiiin...!!

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